Gravy for the Brain's Happy Place
The global coronavirus epidemic is forcing many of us into self-isolation, and living and working from home. Some people with families may be ok, and some people who don't may end up feeling increasingly isolated and lonely. At GFTB HQ we'd like to help with this situation and are opening up our meeting platforms to both GFTB members and also non-members of the voiceover community to join our Happy Place meetings.
The Happy Place meetings are non-structured, peer-driven events where we can all jump on and just start talking. That could be about voiceover, coronavirus, or anything that anyone wants to talk about. The idea is that the more we continue to talk and share with each other in our community, the less isolated and lonely we might feel.
GFTB Happy Place meetings are free, and open to all - GFTB members and non-members. Use the buttons to join one of the recurring meetings below!